Breastfeeding Welcome Here Project
Join a list of Pennsylvania businesses and organizations
that publicly support lactating employees and guests.
Participants will:

Are you a business or organization that welcomes breastfeeding families? Show your support!
I'm ready to sign the business pledge!
Great. First, you'll need to download the agree to the Breastfeeding is Welcome Here Business Pledge.
It's available for download in English [here]. The Spanish version is [here].
Once you understand and agree, please complete the form below. From there, you'll receive an email with additional instructions about signage and decals you can order and display.

Are you an employer with policy and provisions for your lactating employees? Sign the employer pledge!
I'm ready to sign the employer pledge!
Great. First, you'll need to download the agree to the Breastfeeding is Welcome Here Employer Pledge.
It's available for download in English [here]. The Spanish version is [here].
Once you understand and agree, please complete the form below. From there, you'll receive an email with additional instructions about signage and decals you can order and display.

The Breastfeeding Welcome Here and Employer Pledge project is made possible through a partnership and grant funding from REACH.
REACH (Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health) is a national program administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to reduce racial and ethnic health disparities. Through Penn State REACH team works with community organizations to plan and carry out local, culturally appropriate programs to address a wide range of health issues among Hispanic or Latino persons. The REACH team has collaborated with the PABC to help promote and disseminate a bilingual Breastfeeding is Welcome Here Guide and employer pledge to address the needs of breastfeeding mothers returning to the workplace
Thank you to the following organizations that have signed the pledge as of October 31, 2023.
Advanced Chiropractic
AHN Forbes Hospital
Allegheny County Health Department WIC Program
Blair County Game, Fish and Forestry
Drayer Physical Therapy Institute
Evidence Based Mommy
Gearhart's Meats and Country Store
Genesis Birth Services
Glow Salon and Spa
Hillman Cancer Center of UPMC Altoona
James V. Brown Library
Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh
Kessler Stumpf Photography
Kooman and Associates, LLC
Lebanon Family Health Services
Lechene Chiropractic
Legacy Wellness & Chiropractic P.C.
Lingua Speech, Swallow and Voice Services
Marcy Rowland PhD
Maternal and Family Health Services, Inc.
Mayfield at the Capitol Hill
McQuade Blasko
National Council of Jewish Women - Pittsburgh
Northeast Sight Services
PA Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics
PAK Pediatrics/NEPA Breastfeeding Center
Principle Diagnostics
Simply Power Yoga - Hollidaysburg
Simply Power Yoga - Altoona
St Lawrence Parish
St. Boniface Parish
The Dixie James Boutique
The Happy Mama Place
The Tria Prima Tea Company
UpTop Cuisine