We are a friendly, productive group focused on advocating for human milk for human babies. Your membership contribution facilitates a community of lactation support professionals and families, along with statewide efforts to protect, promote and support breastfeeding. As a coalition, we multiply our individual efforts and gain momentum in removing breastfeeding barriers in Pennsylvania. PABC is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
It's so easy to become a member. We also welcome and accept donations, but please know that donating is optional and not required as a condition of membership.
Not sure if you are currently an active member or if your membership has lapsed? Please contact chair@pabreastfeeding.org.

Benefits of PABC Membership
Exchange Ideas and Make Connections at Quarterly Coalition Meetings
Build relationships with other organizations
Four quarterly meetings: January, April, July and October
Receive current information when breastfeeding is in the news
Members-only closed Facebook group
Amplify Your Voice
Alerts on Public Policy
State and Federal Advocacy monitoring
Connection to the United States Breastfeeding Committee (USBC)
Advertise your local activities
Share Your Story-communicate your success on social media
Recognition Programs
Letters of Recognition for Improved Maternity Care Practices
Scholarships to attend the USBC Conference in Washington, DC
Educational Opportunities
Download free educational resources and sample policies
Notification of Conference Events
Advocacy opportunities and mentorship
Resources for professional development
Standards of Excellence
Members Support the Organizational Mission: To protect, promote and support breastfeeding as the cultural norm across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
PABC supports the International Code of Marketing Breastmilk Substitutes.
Become a PABC Member
Group Membership - Annual
200$Valid for 12 months- Access to a statewide network of lactation professionals
- Regular updates on legislative actions and initiatives
- Community forums for peer-to-peer support and advice
Individual Membership - Annual
25$Valid for one year- Access to a statewide network of lactation professionals
- Regular updates on legislative actions and initiatives
- Community forums for peer-to-peer support and advice
- Volunteer opportunities to help support the mission
- Subscription to an informative newsletter
- Invitations to meetings and conferences

Please consider supporting the Pennsylvania Breastfeeding Coalition by making a donation today! Our funding comes primarily from membership dues and contributions from our donors. With your help, the Pennsylvania Breastfeeding Coalition will help to facilitate community and statewide efforts to protect, support and promote breastfeeding as the cultural norm across the Commonwealth.
Supporting our organization helps us to engage in activities to promote breastfeeding.
Developing model breastfeeding policies for hospitals
Providing educational opportunities for health professionals
Securing an annual proclamation in support of breastfeeding from the Governor
Publicizing legislative activities that affect breastfeeding
Reviewing hospital practices and procedures that impact breastfeeding
Working collaboratively with the US Breastfeeding Committee
Various grant-funded projects which are conducive to forwarding our goals